czwartek, 29 sierpnia 2024

There and back again (picture heavy)

 Hello hello!

Here I am again! It's been a crazy and busy year (in respect of family and work), and despite of my plans and many ideas I haven't done much hobby wise apart of painting some extra regiments for the Franco Prussian War (regulars, landwehr, jagers and dragoons) and played couple of games (Freebooter's Fate, Test of Honour, Warmaster, Black Powder and Bolt Action).

I hope to write more regularly on the blog and paint more!

Now lots of pictures....

Hej hej!

Wróciłem! To był szalony i pracowity rok, a mimo moich planów i wielu pomysłów nie zrobiłem nic poza pomalowaniem kilku dodatkowych oddziałów na wojnę francusko-pruską (piechota liniowa, landwera, jegrzy i dragoni) i rozegraniem paru gier (Freebooter's Fate, Test of Honour, Warmaster, Black Powder i Bolt Action).

Mam nadzieję, że będę znów pisać częściej na blogu i więcej malować!

No a teraz dużo zdjęć...

Prussian reinforcements / Pruskie posiłki


Black Powder (ACW)

Test of Honour

Freebooter's Fate

Couple of Bolt Action games / Kilka gier w Bolt Action

Best wishes/Pozdrawiam serdecznie,

2 komentarze:

  1. It certainly looks like you have kept yourself busy Jan…
    Lots of lovely toys and games…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly! I was mostly busy with non hobby stuff, but managed to squeeze some games and painting in between!

      Best wishes,
